Still available. Easy form.
Todays Freebies, Contests, Cool Deals, & Whatever!
Note: These are just a few freebies for today.
You can see more at
I love this one! It's one of the few legit services out there that won't try to sell you
credit monitoring or anyting else.
Credit Sesame is a 100% free personal finance credit and debt management tool
with no credit card required or trial period. Credit Sesame makes managing
personal credit online, owing less in interest and saving on mortgage, loan & credit
card payments easy!
It gives an instant view of consumer's credit, including Experian credit score,
refreshed monthly & for free.
Possible Free Arby's or Pepsi Tee Shirt or Gift Cards
You'll earn points for doing various "tasks". It doesn't look too bad. Here are a few
of the things they want you to do.
Become an Arby's fan on Facebook - 500 points
Following Arby's on Twitter - 1,000 points
Signing up for Arby's Extras email - 5,000 points
Watching Arby's commercial on - 2,000 points
Facebook Post Generator - 5,000 points (visit = 5,000, like = 100; total = 5,100)
Share Arby's video - 5,000 points
Post a qualifying photo on Instagram tagged #Gourmazing - 1,000 points
FX Channel Tune-In Challenge - 5,000 points
Oh yeah, you can also win 10 grand!
Free Glucose Meter, Recipe Book, Meal Planner, and Glucose Tracker
In order to enter this one, you'll have to click the rules, then scroll down and click accept.
A little annoying, but not too bad.
Grand Prize (1): home theater package. Prize package includes: $1000 Visa Gift Card, Panasonic
Viera 65-inch 3D Plasma HDTV, Integrated Wi-Fi 3D Blu-ray DVD Player, 3D Blu-ray Cinema
This is from their Facebook page. Easy form.
Prize (1): Delicious gourmet breakfast pastries delivered to your door every month
for an entire year! From world famous english muffins to delicious coffee cakes!
Fresh, homestyle treats all year long - every month!
One Time Entry. Expires April 30, 2012. U.S. Only.
The "I'm Sorry" Video - Thanks Bonnie!
Just enter a person's name. This is pretty cool!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, just hit reply to this email.