Just Free Stuff Daily Newsletter - March 30, 2013
Here's your (not so) totally useless fact(s) of the day:
this list of the Top 100 April Fools' Day Hoaxes. They include the Swiss Spaghetti
Harvest , the baseball pitching phenom Sidd Finch and the Left-Handed Whopper.
Won a prize, or got a cool freebie, or just have something cool to share?
The reason I am writing is because I ran across a website that gives a real credit
score based on TransUnion information. The site is called Credit Sesame and not
only does it give a credit score (not a credit report) but also a wealth of other neat
information. It can also track your score over time and alert you to new happenings
on your account.
I thought you might want to let your readers know about it:
Signup is free by creating a basic account then clicking on a link in an email to finish
filling out the form. I swear, it really is free; no gimmicks, no credit card info nothing,
just a credit score and advice on how to make it higher and how to save money.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Jessica Z.
Thank you Jessica! I LOVE that site and even posted it a few times.

Grand Prize (4): A set of new household appliances to be awarded in the
form of $5,000 in Visa Gift Cards.
First Prize (250): A $50 Dollar General Gift Card.
Second Prize (1,000): A $25 Dollar General Gift Card.
Daily Entry. Expires April 21, 2013. U.S. Only.
(Void in AK, DC, HI, ID, ME, MT, ND, OR, RI, WA, WY)
Grand Prize (1): Free Shell Gasoline for One year for the Grand Prize winner and
five friends. ARV: $2,100.71 each.
Daily Entry. Expires May 06, 2013. U.S. Only. (Void in NJ and VA)
Today's Freebies, Contests, Cool Deals, & Whatever!
Note: These are just a few freebies for today.
You can see more at http://www.justfreestuff.com
were denied, you might want to give it another try.
Every month, 25 members will win a $500 American Express Rewards Card.
Every Quarter (4 times a year), 1 lucky member will win $20,000!
Join Nielsen Home Scan Consumer Panel - Earn valuable points, which are
redeemable for electronics, household items, jewelry, toy, gift cards, and more.
If they are accepting panelists in your area, you'll receive a price gun that you
scan your groceries and coupons to earn points. This is a fun activity for kids to
do while you're putting groceries away and the longer you're a panelist, the better
the prizes get.
& thousands of tv shows.
- Stream thousands of hit movies and TV shows
- No subscription fees or commercial interruptions
- Earn cash to buy content
Free Evaluation For Social Security Benefits
to see if you're eligible.
Possible Free Swiffer Product
Just answer a few questions and you'll have the chance to be one of the first in the
world to get this top secret product. If you're picked, you will receive a package from
Swiffer right on your doorstep.
Here's how it works:
1. Answer some questions about yourself below
2. Starting April 11th be on the lookout for your FedEx package
3. Come back and let us know if you received this top secret product
Free Voucher to Purchase Select eBooks from the Amazon Kindle Store for $2 Each
Dream Hawaiian Getaway Sweepstakes
round trip flight tickets to Honolulu, HI, CA; two Lomi Wawae spa treatments at the
Na Ho'ola Spa at Hyatt Regency Waikiki; and dinner for two (2) at Japengo.
ARV: $3,800
One Time Entry. Expires April 30, 2013. U.S. Only.
Free Qramel Stickers For iPhone, iPod Touch and Android Smartphone Users
stickers can be augmented with videos, pictures, and text and voice messages, which
you can then attach to physical objects.
Free John Frieda Product Sample
the form on the second page.
it seems a lot of people are getting coupons. Check "strongly agree" on all of them
for a better chance at getting a sample instead of coupon.
Free Sample Of Fekkai Technician Color Care Shampoo
Daily Entry. Expires May 31, 2013. U.S. Only.
Sweepstakes Advantage Google Chromebook Giveaway
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